Code on a screen


I’m currently Attending UW-Stout and working on a major in Computer Science with a concentration in Cyber security

Languages include: C++, Java, HTML, CSS, and PHP

Visit my Code Portfolio

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Web Development

I have lots of experience working on website development. I have taken a web development class as well as a web marketing class. These two classes have taught me a lot about how to create visually appealing as well as functional websites. I am familiar with common user website development platforms such as Wix and WordPress as well as creating websites from HTML and CSS with Php for processing.

Software Development

I am working towards my computer science degree and hope to achieve a job related to software development. I have had lots of experience with coding in a few different languages at UW-Stout and in my free time. I hope to get more practical experience with this through a summer internship and over the course of more time.

Cyber Security

With a concentration in cyber security, I am very security minded when it comes to computers and web/software development. I always put in effort to ensure programs I write are not prone to attacks or have any major vulnerabilities in them. I also have some experience configuring networks and ensuring they have proper security implemented. I hope to receive more training in this as I continue my coursework and through real life work experiences .